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10 quality lessons from almost three decades of software development
About testability, code reviews, flakiness, maintainability, pipelines and source control history
Static and dynamic conditions in C#/Nuke build pipelines
How you can use Nuke’s OnlyWhenStatic and OnlyWhenDynamic to handle the more complicated build pipelines in C#
.NET solution templates for class library packages
A new open-source project for making it trivial to build high-quality NuGet packages with all the bells and whistles
8 coding lessons from almost three decades of software development
Build better code, one habit at a time and other practical advice to enhance your team’s practices and your future self’s sanity.
22 reasons to ditch Azure DevOps and switch to GitHub as soon as possible
How Azure DevOps is holding back the teams I work with to collaborate efficiently and commit code that has a high level of traceability, and how GitHub fixes that
Confluence, a wiki that will make people collaborate on documentation
An in-depth evaluation of SharePoint, Azure DevOps Wikis and Atlassian Confluence as a documentation and collaboration platform