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Enterprise Integration with BizTalk 2004

less than 1 minute read

Maybe you have heard of Enterprise Integration Patterns. It’s a pattern language for common solutions for integrating cross-platform application and systems. BizTalk is one of those products dedicating their lives to enterprise integration. This great article written by people from ThoughtWorks p...

September 4, 2005

Expensive exceptions or not…

less than 1 minute read

One of things that I’ve always believed in is that throwing exceptions introduces a significant performance penalty. However, according to the article Performance Implications of Exceptions in .NET, in reality it is not that bad at all. I haven’t studied the exact context of the article, so take ...

September 4, 2005

What every developer must know about multithreaded applications

less than 1 minute read

As a developer with long-time C++ experience I always felt quite comfortable with multi-threaded development. However, very often I discover that this comfortness is not shared by all developers. I lost count on how often I had to investigate some strange deadlock or race condition.Fortunately, V...

August 23, 2005

Collapse the Solution Explorer in Visual Studio

less than 1 minute read

Get this nifty little macro to collapse the tree-view of Visual Studio’s Solution Explorer. Why didn’t Microsoft think of this in the first place?

August 19, 2005

Use WS-Security with .NET Remoting

less than 1 minute read

A while ago, Microsoft published an interesting article that explains how to add WS-Security support to a .NET Remoting channel. It relies on custom Remoting sinks (both client and server) that use the out-of-the-box services provided by Web Service Enhancements 1.0. By injecting those sinks into...

August 19, 2005

Free Visual Studio 2005 online training

less than 1 minute read

Through Alex Thissen’s site, I ran into the Visual Studio 2005 E-Learning section. Apparently, Microsoft is offering its interactive learning programs for free for the time being. I’ve run two of the sessions (Team System introduction and new VS features), and I must admit, they are quite informa...

August 17, 2005