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Estimation based on Use Case Metrics
At my current project, we’ve started to initiate a workload estimation based on Use Case Metrics. Apparently several methods exists, but we chose the Gustav Karner methodology. I’m quite impressed with how environmental and technical risks are translated into a factor that can be applied on an in...
Asynchronous callbacks for web applications.
One of the issues that web developers are often faced with these days is dynamic behaviour on web pages. Often, falling back on Javascript is the only viable option. However, this article explains how you can support asynchronous client script callbacks that execute code-behind code without the u...
Easy searching in the Microsoft newsgroups
I’ve been using this shortcut for googling in the Microsoft newsgroups for ages now.
Aborting a .NET Remoting call
Today I ran into quite a frustrating .NET Remoting shortcoming. It seems to be impossible to abort a long-running .NET Remoting call. I’ve checked on Google to see if anybody came up with a proper solution, and I have even tried to gain access to the TCP Sink that is being used, but all failed. E...
Unit testing in .NET
As a professional software developer, you may have heard of NUnit. Or even better, like me, you may have already used it in a couple of projects. One of the things NUnit is missing is a possibility to have more flexibility on the test environment or the conditions under which a test is running. T...
Alex Thissen is alive
Four years ago I took a .NET training given bij Twice IT ( Together with my best collegue Rinie Egas, we kept in contact. The last time we met him was at the Microsoft DevDays in The Hague. Since then I never heard anything anymore, until today. It seems he left Twice and is ...